Harness the cosmic energies of different locations to optimize your life experiences.
My life changed when I embraced astro-locality on my journey. After living in the Netherlands for 30 years, I knew this was NOT MY PLACE. I never fell in love with the country, nor found luck, love, or fortune. Instead, I felt unmoved and spent much of my time traveling out of the country, often crying on the plane back. After many disappointing attempts at a relationship, ten failed moves, and just as many uninspiring jobs and entrepreneurial initiatives, I decided I had to emigrate. This realization solidified when I was recovering from my latest work/life failure in eastern Netherlands, despite developing a love for country living there.
For the past four years, I’ve been a nomad, aware that I didn’t belong anywhere permanently. But where should I go? I knew it had to be Europe, with its rich cultures and history, but I wasn’t sure where. So, I hired an astrologist specializing in astro-locality, the power of place.
Before my reading, I booked a week in France to escape the New Year’s Eve fireworks madness in the Netherlands. During the reading, I discovered I had four powerful astrological lines running through France! One went right down the middle, and three crossed the northwest, where I had booked my stay.
Excited, I extended my holiday to include Chartres near Paris and Carnac in Brittany, both powerful places. As soon as I crossed the border, I fell in love with France again. Those two weeks were transformative, and I knew this was the place for me. Upon returning, I started planning my move to France.

Now, after two months in France, I am incredibly happy. It turns out that the spot I live in coincidentally lies on my Venus line, my astrological line that runs through the middle of France. This line is associated with love , relationships, community, friendship, and belonging, and indeed, I feel completely different and much more at home. While not my permanent home yet, as I am still healing from years of not belonging, I will continue exploring along my Venus line to find the perfect spot.
My emerging business, born out of passion, offers Personalized Pilgrimage programs in France, focusing on powerful places like Gothic cathedrals. I collaborate with my astrologist to provide clients with personalized perspectives for their quests. Come and join me on this journey!
Visit Mysteries of the Cathedrals to learn more.
Exploring Astro-Locality: Unlocking the Power of Place
Astro-locality, also known as Astro cartography or locational astrology, explores how different geographic locations influence an individual’s life experiences and personal development. This practice is based on the idea that the energies and potentials depicted in one’s natal chart are affected by changes in location, leading to different life experiences depending on where one resides or travels.

What is Astro-Locality?
Astro-locality involves creating a map that highlights planetary influences active at various locations around the world at the time of an individual’s birth. This map, often referred to as an Astro cartography chart, displays lines representing the positions of the planets on Earth. Each line corresponds to a particular planetary influence, such as the Sun, Moon, or Jupiter, varying in alignment with specific locations.
How Does It Work?
Astro-locality works by recalculating the positions of planets based on new geographic coordinates while keeping the original birth time constant. This recalibration shifts the “houses” in one’s astrological chart, corresponding to different life areas such as career, relationships, and personal growth. For instance, moving to a location where Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, is prominent might enhance opportunities for growth and success.
Practitioners use various techniques, including Astro Cartography and Local Space astrology, to analyze these influences. Astro Cartography maps out planetary lines on a global scale, while Local Space astrology uses a horizon system of coordinates to place celestial bodies relative to one’s location, akin to a celestial compass (The Art of Living Retreat Center) (Urban Astrologer).
Why is it Important?
Astro-locality can be a powerful tool for making informed decisions about relocation, travel, and even short-term visits. By understanding how different places resonate with your natal chart, you can choose locations aligning with your personal and professional goals. For instance, if you seek a place fostering creativity and artistic expression, you might look for a location where Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is influential.
Moreover, astro-locality provides insights into why certain places feel more comfortable or challenging. It helps explain the variations in experiences and opportunities arising from living in different environments. This knowledge is particularly valuable for individuals considering major life changes, such as moving to a new city or country, starting a new job, or embarking on a personal journey of self-discovery (Truly Divine) (Helena Woods).
Astro-locality opens a fascinating window into the interplay between our birth charts and the places we inhabit. By leveraging this ancient wisdom, you can harness the cosmic energies of different locations to optimize your life experiences. Whether planning to relocate, travel, or simply explore the world with a new perspective, astro-locality provides a unique and enriching framework for understanding the profound connections between place and destiny.