Celebrating an ancient Celtic feast in rural France

Celebrating an ancient Celtic feast in rural France Enduring legacies that foster community and meaning Moving to rural France has been such a blessing. Not just the quality of the food, the stillness, the undulating hills and sleepy pretty villages and farms, I also found myself smack in the middle of an ancient Gallic Celtic […]
The Power of Place: Applying the Ancient Wisdom of Astro-Locality

Harness the cosmic energies of different locations to optimize your life experiences. My life changed when I embraced astro-locality on my journey. After living in the Netherlands for 30 years, I knew this was NOT MY PLACE. I never fell in love with the country, nor found luck, love, or fortune. Instead, I felt unmoved and […]
The Healing Symphony of Geometry in Cathedrals

How Harmony Can Transform Your Brain and DNA One Gothic cathedral, one neo-Gothic church, and two labyrinths later! My recent trip to The Netherlands combined business with pleasure and my continuous exploration of harmonic spaces and their profound effects on the brain and DNA. My journey began at Amiens Cathedral, the largest Gothic cathedral in […]