Cathedrals - Living books in stone

Personal Pilgrimage
A path to clarity

Pilgrimage, the act of traveling to powerful ancient locations to gain insight, combines physical travel with growth of awareness and insight. 

Gothic Cathedrals, with their powerful esoteric wisdom and profound  heritage built into their fabric, are ideal destinations for such transformative journeys.

What if you could razor focus your pilgrimage with personalised insight combined with your intention? 

One-day personalised Pilgrimage 

Plan and design your own personal and personalised pilgrimage for the highest impact. A combination of the power of place and personalization. 

How? We tailor your visit with your astrological chart, your Human Design purpose and then aligned with the life changing situation you are facing. We design a day filled with reflective wisdom-tech experiences so that you get the insight your need. 

Use this journey to tune into the harmonic effects of these sites and technologies and gain new perspectives on major life decisions to return with renewed clarity, vision and purpose. 

Whatever big decision or life-changing event you are facing, you don’t need to go it alone. 

We design your personalized pilgrimage experience based on your quest aligend with your personal blueprint. So you can fully immerse yourself in the experience of these ancient wisdom technologies based on your cosmic and energetic alignments and destiny. 

Personalised Pilgrimage to a Cathedral

Gothic Cathedrals - Where science and ancient wisdom meet

Have you been to a Cathedral lately? They make you feel amazing don’t they? That is because Cathedrals are hot spots of earthly and celestial energies (see my blogs for more explanation).  

They are carefully aligned locations chosen for their electromagnetic power and designed as living energy centers in stone so that they can function as psycho-spiritual harmony chambers.  Now I know that sounds like quite a claim, but hear me out. 

After years of research and visits I am putting some of the pieces together. For example, they are likely located on the earth’s electromagnetic energy lines and vortices and hotspots for connection to the sun’s electromagnetic bursts of light and intelligence through wormholes. Really, this is based on research from NASA. 

So imagine if and how we can harness these powerful energies to enhance our conscious and emotional development to access our higher intelligence such as intuition, vision, creativity and knowing.? And apply that to our daily lives and business? 

At these locations, you find a convergence of a large number of ancient wisdom technologies. In our Wisdom-Tech Academy and in my blogs you can learn all about them. 

With ancient wisdom-tech I mean sound, frequency, vibration, color, numbers, symbolism, cosmology, hand and body postures, sacred geometry and more. 

Combined they have a harmonising, integrative and frequency raising effect on your electro-magnetic subtle energy body. 

The results are mind- body- spirit integration, brain and energy balancing, so that you gain razor sharp insight, creativity, imagination and connection.


Your personalized pilgrimage will be designed based on your unique cosmic and earth alignments and purpose blueprint. Using tools like astrology, astrocartography, and soul blueprint assessments, we will create a journey that aligns with your individual needs, path and aspirations. This tailored experience ensures that you not only explore the sacred site that fits you, but also connect deeply with their transformative energies.

Cosmic and Earth Alignments Astrology and astrocartography help us understand how celestial bodies influence your personal energies and life path. By aligning your pilgrimage with these cosmic influences, we ensure that your journey supports your highest potential and personal growth.

Purpose Blueprint Through personalized consultations including your Human Design and Archetype assessment, we identify your purpose blueprint—your unique mission and goals in this life. This understanding guides us in creating a pilgrimage at a location that resonates with your inner purpose, facilitating profound insights and transformations.

One of the highlights of your personalised pilgrimage is a facilitated walk through a labyrinth, a powerful ancient wisdom tool based on science. The various labyrinth forms act as harmonic resonators, harmonising your body and brain and giving you access to you subconscious. 

As you trace its winding course, you’ll experience a profound connection to the pilgrims and seekers who have walked this path before you, finding clarity, peace, and a sense of unity with the divine.

The following is all part of your personalised pilgrimage: 

  • Intake to determine your quest.
  • Astrological profile.
  • Astrolocality for your optimal location for pilgrimage. 
  • Human design profile for life purpose. 
  • Archetype assessment. 
  • Access to learning modules on the esoteric sciences. 
  • Based on the outcomes, we will produce the ideal 1 or 2 day pilgrimage for you with a full (live or remote facilitated) program to follow at the ideal Cathedral location for you. 


We will design a program for you based on your needs and profile. We will include a number of esoteric wisdom technologies in your program. For example:

  • Walking the ancient labyrinth.
  • Solfreggio sound balancing.
  • Gnostic Body & Hand Power Postures
  • Guided Druidic Meditations
  • Drawing Sacred Geometry 
  • Energetic connection with nature


The location of your personalised pilgrimage depends on your astrolocality assessment.  We look at which cathedral is optimal for your design. 

Our focus is on the Cathedrals in Europe, but remote we can facilitate pilgrimages to Gothic Cathedrals (or neo-gothic) worldwide. 

These places of great power and wisdom integrate all of the esoteric sciences. And they integrate cosmic and earthly energies in order to tune and harmonise your system. 

The investment also depends on your location, the class of facilities you would like (5 star to 3 star) and if we support you live or remote.  

Fees are starting from EURO 1,618.00 for this unique personalised mini-retreat. 

Creativity and Vision Facilitation for Business

Cathedral Retreats

Gothic Cathedrals have been a pilgrim’s destination for thousands of years. In ancient times our ancestors came to these highly electromagnetically energized locations for empowerment and inspiration. 

This magic is found in the earth, the water, the air, the stones and the light and It still works for us today. It works through resonance, frequency and illumination, and the early medieval labyrinth. (See my blogs and the ancient wisdom-tech academy for more information. )

Welcome to Cathedral Business Retreats, where ancient wisdom meets modern business challenges. Our unique corporate offsite programs are designed to inspire creativity, enhance team dynamics, align strategic vision, and develop visionary leaders—all within the serene and inspiring environment of a cathedral. 

Inspiration for Business

Cathedral Retreats: Transformative Business Offsites using ancient wisdom-tech

Businesses challenges, change and transformation can benefit greatly from tapping into the effects of the  ancient wisdom sciences. 

Unlock Your Team’s Potential in a Sacred Setting

Welcome to Cathedral Retreats, where ancient wisdom meets modern business challenges. Our unique corporate offsite programs are designed to inspire creativity, enhance team dynamics, align strategic vision, and develop visionary leaders—all within the serene and inspiring environment of a cathedral.

Using ancient wisdom technologies that have proven to work by raising, harmonising  and re-balancing the body’s electromagnetic frequency which as effect: 

– Integrates left and right brain thinking

– Modulates brain waves

– Reconnect and integrate body, mind and soul

– Stimulates dormant energy centers

– Expands consciousness to higher levels of emotions and states of being. 

Which as result has positive effects on creativity,  insight, feelings, inspiration and more. 

Imagine what that can do to bring your business vision, innovation, team dynamics and leadership to the next level? 

Creative problem solving retreat

Ignite Innovation
Step into a world of creative exploration. Our guided labyrinth walk and workshops on sacred geometry will unlock your team’s innovative potential, leading to fresh ideas and breakthrough solutions.

Organizational Harmony and Team Dynamics Workshop

Foster Unity
Enhance teamwork and communication with our harmonious blend of labyrinth walks, meditation sessions, and collaborative activities. Build stronger connections and a more cohesive team.

Strategic Planning and Vision Alignment Offsite

Align Your Vision
Clarify your company’s direction with strategic planning models and astrological insights. Our holistic approach ensures your goals are in harmony with your long-term vision.

Leadership Training and Development Retreat

Develop Visionary Leaders
Cultivate intuitive and visionary leadership skills. Through reflective labyrinth walks and esoteric workshops, your leaders will learn to make balanced, informed decisions.

Why choose Cathedral Retreats? 

  • Inspiring Environment: Experience the tranquility and inspiration of a cathedral setting, designed to foster reflection and creativity.
  • Unique Approach: Integrate sacred geometry and esoteric sciences into your business practices for transformative results.
  • Expert Facilitation: Our experienced facilitators guide your team through each step, ensuring a meaningful and impactful retreat.


Experience Transformation in an Exceptional Setting

At Cathedral Retreats, we offer more than just a change of scenery. Our bespoke approach ensures that your corporate offsite is tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of your company. Nestled in an exceptional setting, our cathedral retreats provide a full immersive experience designed to elevate your team to a new state of mind and unlock their highest potential.

Bespoke approach, tailored to Your Needs
Every company is unique, and so are our retreats. Before your offsite, we conduct a thorough assessment of your company’s situation, challenges, and objectives. This allows us to design a program that specifically addresses your needs and ensures meaningful outcomes.

Exceptional setting to inspire and reflect
Our retreats take place in stunning cathedral settings, surrounded by the souls of the ancients. This unique environment is perfect for reflection, inspiration, and deep connection. The beauty of the historical surroundings complements the sacred architecture, providing a backdrop that fosters creativity and clarity.

Full immersive experience, engage all senses
Expect a retreat that engages all senses and immerses your team in a holistic experience. From guided labyrinth walks to meditative practices and tuning workshops, every aspect of our program is designed to help participants reach a different state of mind. This immersive approach encourages deep insights and transformative breakthroughs.

Unlock Ancient Wisdom
We integrate a variety of esoteric tools and practices into our retreats, including:

  • Sacred Geometry Workshops: Learn the principles of sacred geometry and their applications in problem-solving and innovation.
  • Labyrinth Walks: Use the labyrinth as a meditative tool to clear minds and focus on goals.
  • Astrological Insights: Incorporate astrological cycles to optimize strategic planning and decision-making.
  • Meditative Practices: Engage in guided vision meditations to enhance team harmony and individual well-being.
  • Powerful body postures: Learn to utilise power postures of your body and hands that immediately stabilise your system, put you in flow and activate your potential. 

You will learn all about these ancient wisdom-technologies in our Wisdom-Tech Academy included in the program. 


What will you gain? 

  • Enhanced Creativity: Unlock innovative solutions and fresh ideas.
  • Improved Team Dynamics: Build stronger, more cohesive teams.
  • Clear Strategic Vision: Align your goals with a long-term vision.
  • Developed Leadership: Cultivate intuitive and visionary leaders.

Ready for the next level? 

Embark on a journey of transformation with Cathedral Retreats. Contact us today to discuss how we can create a bespoke retreat that meets your unique needs.

Contact Us:

  • Phone: +31 6 15 090 167
  • Email:

Cathedral Retreats:

Elevate Your Business through Ancient Wisdom Technologies

Ancient Wisdom-Tech Pilgrimages and Offsites